27 Days With Billy Wilder And Me

Every Movie He Directed…From Mauvaise Graine to Buddy Buddy

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Entries Tagged as 'Marilyn Monroe'

Day Seventeen: Some Like It Hot

July 16th, 2011 · No Comments · 1959, IAL Diamond, Inciting Incident, Jack Lemmon, Marilyn Monroe, Mid Point, Plot Point I, Plot Point II, Some Like It Hot, Tony Curis

Billy Wilder’s seventeenth movie, Some Like It Hot, the irrepressible comedy starring Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis, and Marilyn Monroe, was released in 1959. Billy was 53 years old. This is what movie-making is all about! Some Like It Hot is my second favorite movie, following closely on the heels of Casablanca. This is note perfect, […]



Day Thirteen: The Seven Year Itch

July 12th, 2011 · No Comments · 1955, Adaptation, Ally McBeal, Billy Wilder In Hollywood, Billy Wilder Interviews, James Thurber, Marilyn Monroe, Maurice Zolotow, My World and Welcome To It, Robert Horton, Seven Year Itch, Tom Ewell, Walter Mitty, William Windom

Billy Wilder’s thirteenth movie, The Seven Year Itch, starring Tom Ewell and the legendary Marilyn Monroe, was released in 1955. Billy was 49 years old. This is a fun film that remind me of James Thurber’s humor, sort of a Walter Mittyesque fantasy. Or, if anyone remembers it, the short-lived TV series called My World […]

